• CLS has bio-repository capacity in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. Processing and storage facilities are available for conditions ranging from ambient, refrigerated (2-8°C), frozen (-80°C) and Liquid Nitrogen (-196°C).
• The CLS repositories currently have a sample storage capacity of over 1 million specimens at -20°C to -196°C and 100 000 samples at vapor phase Liquid Nitrogen (LN2).
• The organization has experience to store in storing a variety of specimens that include: Whole Blood, Serum, Plasma, Cells, Body Fluids, Live cultures, Dried Blood Spots, Slides, Cytology and Histology specimens.
• CLS has had vast experience in the shipment of large number.
• All storage samples are tracked using an electronic bar-code tracking system, LDMS,LIMS and Dicitrix LIMS.
• Management reports are available upon request in an electronic format and can be exported to LDMS, LIMS and third party databases.